CX Designer | Creative Director
In the bustling heart of Montreal's Eaton Center, I envisioned a captivating art installation known as "Birth, Life, and Death." This evocative creation featured a captivating array of balloons that beckoned visitors to partake in a vibrant and interactive journey.
The vibrant balloons injected vitality into the surroundings, blurring the lines between art and audience, leaving an enduring impact on everyone who encountered it.
Installation duration: 3 weeks
My roles & responsibilities: Creative Direction, Environmental Design
The Montreal Eaton Centre is a shopping mall located in the downtown core of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is accessible through the Underground City, which is connected to the Montreal Metro's McGill station.
Annually they partner with Montréal’s Art Souterrain festival during which the city’s famed Underground Pedestrian Network is transformed into a four-kilometre-long contemporary art gallery.
Art Souterrain is a non profit organization which aims to provide a wider accessibility to contemporary art since 2009. With the will to demystify the artistic process and artworks, the organization implements long term initiatives to cultivate an understanding and to create a bound between an artwork and its audience.
To achieve its ends, Art Souterrain is based on a strong model with the main intention of getting artworks out of traditionnel exhibition places. By doing so, the organization wants to surprise everyone in its daily life and to bring a new kind of interaction, governed by questioning and emotion.
Awards and recognitions:
Essor Prize, Silver BOMA Award, Audience Award, finalist of Grand Prix of Montreal Art Council, Best event of The Montreal centre_ville Award.
The concept of "birth, life, and death" is an intrinsic aspect of the human experience, a universal cycle that everything traverses. To convey this profound idea, I embarked on a creative journey and brought it to life through an art installation.
Entitled "Birth, Life, and Death," the installation serves as a tangible representation of these three fundamental stages. Within it, the balloons symbolize the birth, resembling the innocence and potential of life emerging into the world. Over time, these balloons gradually deflate and shrink, much like the natural progression of life, as they evolve, age, and accumulate experiences, ultimately echoing the concept of life and its inevitable culmination in death.
This installation invites viewers to contemplate the inherent beauty and fragility of existence, embracing the cyclical nature of our journey from inception to conclusion.
The enthusiastic response to the installation was truly incredible. People approached me personally to share their profound appreciation for it.
Observing people's reactions to the installation was truly intriguing. Hundreds of individuals were laying on their backs, fully immersing themselves in the bubble cloud, in ways I hadn't anticipated.
It's always a delightful surprise to see how people can experience something in unexpected ways. I thoroughly enjoyed it.